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ANSI/AAMI PB70 Standard

Medical Appareal AAMI Standard (U.S. Standard)

The AAMI PB70 standard was developed to set reference points by which institutions can evaluate protective gowns and surgical drapes.

These objective criteria allow large organizations to easily standardize the selection of protective gowns as well as allow the user to choose the most appropriate protection at a glance.

Level 1 Gowns and Drapes

Describes surgical gowns, other protective apparel, surgical drapes and drape accessories that demonstrate the ability to resist liquid penetration in a laboratory test, AATCC 42 (Water resistance: Impact penetration test).

Level 2 Gowns and Drapes

Describes surgical gowns, other protective apparel, surgical drapes and drape accessories that demonstrate the ability to resist liquid penetration in two laboratory tests, AATCC 42 (Water resistance: Impact penetration test) and AATCC 127 (Water resistance: Hydrostatic pressure test).

Level 3 Gowns and Drapes

Describes surgical gowns, other protective apparel, surgical drapes and drape accessories that demonstrate the ability to resist liquid penetration in two laboratory tests, AATCC 42 (Water resistance: Impact penetration test) and AATCC 127 (Water resistance: Hydrostatic pressure test). For Level 3, the test criterion for AATCC 127 performance is set at a higher value than for Level 2.

Level 4 Gowns

Describes surgical gowns and protective apparel that demonstrate the ability to resist liquid and viral penetration in a laboratory test, ASTM F1671 (Standard test method for resistance of materials used in protective clothing to penetration by blood-borne pathogens using Phi-X174 bacteriophage penetration as a test system).

Level 4 Drapes

Describes surgical drapes and drape accessories that demonstrate the ability to resist liquid penetration in a laboratory test, ASTM F1670 (Standard test method for resistance of materials used in protective clothing to penetration by synthetic blood).

​AAMI Level Requirement

Barrier Performance
Test method Requirement
Level 1 Impact Penetration AATCC 42 <= 4.5g
Level 2 Impact Penetration AATCC 42 <= 1.0g
Hydrostatic Pressure AATCC 127 >= 20cm
Level 3 Impact Penetration AATCC 42 <= 1.0g
Hydrostatic Pressure AATCC 127 >= 50cm
Level 4 Blood Penetration ASTM F1670 Pass
Viral Penetration ASTM F1671 Pass

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